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11 Tips for Hiring Remote Software Developer

Hire Software Developer 1

You need to hire software developer if you are a business owner. This doesn’t surprise many of you since maintaining your software is not for the faint of heart. And I am here to tell you that hiring a software developer does not have to be complicated. If you stick to these tips, I promise you will find someone great.

1. Give them a real challenge during the interview process.

You might think it’s easy enough to just ask someone if they can code, but is that enough? How do you know if they are as proficient as they say they are? You don’t want to waste your time interviewing someone who isn’t qualified for your position or, worse yet, doesn’t even know what it takes to get there. To avoid this situation, give candidates a real challenge during their interview process. For example, ask them to write a program using specific tools such as JavaScript.

2. Look at the code they’ve written.

You can get a sense of how much experience someone has by looking at their work. Look at the code they’ve written, ask them about projects they’ve worked on, and see if they have any blog posts or articles on the subject. If they’re good at what they do, they should be able to show off their skills somehow. 

3. Let them know what tools they will be using.

If hiring a remote software developer, don’t assume they have experience with every tool under the sun.

As much as possible, let the candidates know what tools they will use to prepare for any necessary training or familiarization. Make sure that these tools are compatible with their computer system. You don’t want them having problems when it comes to the actual work. This is one of the best tips that has worked almost every time. All the top talent pools like micro1 stick to this thumb rule.

4. Review their GitHub.

Every developer needs to have a clean and professional-looking profile on GitHub. Make sure they have at least one open-source or two personal projects listed on their profile. This will show you just how good they are work in a team environment and what kind of work they prefer. It’ll also tell you whether they’ve contributed to any open source projects, which is always a good thing (and something we look for when vetting candidates).

5. Ensure that you both have the same expectations about working remotely.

Make sure that you and your potential remote employee are on the same page about what kind of communication will be required during their employment. Some people prefer only email, while others prefer phone or video calls. If there is anything specific to your needs regarding communication, make sure that they know about it before they start working for you, so there aren’t any surprises later down the line.

6. Have expectations and goals in mind before you start hiring.

Before starting your search, ensure you know what your new hire wants. Are they going to be working on new projects? How much time will they need to get up-to-speed on existing code? What level of experience do they need (junior, mid-level, or senior)? Once you know this information, it’ll be easier to narrow your search and find someone who fits the bill perfectly.

7. Discuss the compensation and perks early on.

Many companies do not like to discuss salaries and benefits during the interview process because they think it may bias the candidate that they will receive an offer from them. However, if you want to hire someone remotely, you must discuss this topic early in the process. The reason is that compensation and benefits are important factors that affect remote workers’ decisions about whether or not they want to work for your company. If you wait until later in the process before discussing these topics, then it won’t be easy for both parties to agree on these issues.

8. Go with your gut when you find someone you like.

If a candidate’s resume is impressive and their references are stellar, then it’s worth meeting with them in person or on Skype before making a decision. Don’t be afraid to pass on someone who looks good on paper if they don’t seem like they will fit into your team culture or work well with other employees.

9. Don’t ignore soft skills.

You might think that technical skills are the most important thing when hiring a software developer, but soft skills are just as important.

The best remote developers have experience working in a team and collaborating with others on projects. They’re good communicators and can work with clients effectively to understand their needs and deliver what they want.

It’s unlikely that your remote developer will be on-site when you need them. Hence, you need someone who can communicate effectively over email, phone, video chat, or other forms of communication.

10. Ask questions that get candidates to expound on points.

When interviewing a candidate, try to dig deeper into their responses. Ask follow-up questions that help you understand why they made certain decisions or what they think about certain topics. This will give you precise insight into whether they have good communication skills and creativity—two qualities that are essential in any developer.

In a nutshell, ask interview questions that make them think on their feet.

11. Look for in-the-trenches experience.

If you hire remote software developers, make sure they have experience working with other companies. It’s one thing to have experience building apps in general, but it’s another story entirely when working with other companies on specific projects. Make sure that prospective employees have experience working with other companies before committing them to projects of their own.


Hiring software developers for your organization should be done carefully and intentionally, regardless of whether they are remote employees.You can hire the best talent in the world, but if they are not working well with your team, you will still not be successful. The same holds for any type of remote developer—if they don’t fit in with your organization and culture, it won’t matter how talented they are. So, ensure you hire the one that suits your needs, budget, and culture.


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